Membuat ChatRoom Sendiri untuk Friends di Facebook dan Twitter Sekaligus

Saturday, August 08, 2009 Posted by indrascott

Facebook Tips | Twitter Tips | Kadang kita bingung ketika sedang online Facebook dan Twitter, banyak teman kita yang sedang online juga dan Anda ingin berkomunikasi dengan mereka dalam satu waktu tapi terlalu repot karena banyak sekali teman Anda yang online . Savor Chat adalah solusinya, Anda dapat mengumpilkan semua teman dari Twitter dan Facebook untu chatting dalam satu Chatroom yang kamu buat sendiri. Jadi nada bisa chatting dengan semua teman dari Twitter dan Facebook dalam satu chatroom dengan menggunakan account FB dan Twitter masing-masing

Here is what you can do once signed-in:

  • Create and host your own chat room
  • Make your chat room public or private with password protection
  • Send direct messages to 1 or more users within a room
  • Schedule when your room is open
  • Invite your Facebook friends

Great for:

  • Online networking meetings
  • Collaborative project discussions
  • Complement conference calls
  • Live discussions with friends about a game
  • Debate politics
It's nice to see an array of privacy settings when an app requests access to accounts on two major social networks, and Savor Chat delivers. Stealth mode" hides the room on your Facebook feed and keeps it from being indexed by search engines. You can also set a duration to keep the room open, or just open it indefinitely. Rooms can also be turned on or off, or password protected.

My biggest concern about Savor Chat was that chat messages would be posted to Twitter users' accounts to annoy people who aren't in the chat and don't care. You can post your chat messages to Twitter, and even have Savor Chat automatically add a hashtag for your room, but it's not the default option. Savor Chat isn't something I expect to use every day, but when you have a meeting and you don't have time to get everyone on the same network, it could be very handy | Facebook Tips | Twitter Tips

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  1. Anonymous said...

    for twit : kok sering eror gitu ya gan ?
    apa setiap update harus ada delay nya ?
    apa kenapa ?

  2. Anonymous said...

    Klo download ecofon gmna sih ??-_-

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